The animals we live with as family become deeply devoted to us. They know us way more intimately than we realize. They feel our feelings, see our thoughts, and love us so deeply they’ll do whatever they can in their own capacity to help us in our lives. Their unconditional love is very real, almost hard to conceive of, as we humans struggle much more with being unconditionally loving with one another.
Just as with our human family, it is very easy to unconsciously project our own issues onto our animals. They’re the ones sharing our homes and lives with us, and if we’re not careful, we can slip into projection very easily without even realizing it. We become entangled with each other, just like people, and can forget where we end and they begin.
As you can imagine, this can really mess up our communication with the animals! It is absolutely vital to tend our own inner gardens consciously and get really clear on what belongs to us, before trying to connect telepathically and energetically with our animals. The more inner work we do as animal lovers, the more aware and clear we are in all our relationships, human and animal.
Animals will often take on illnesses, physical or emotional, for the people they love. They do this in service to us, to help lighten our own load and to be a mirror to us, so we can see what is going on, and what we’ve been afraid to see. This is no small deal with pets- I’ve seen animals take on their person’s cancer and transition as a result of that. They do it in love and service.
I wanted to write this blog today to let people know we have a say in all this. It is within our power to say to our animals: thank you for taking this upon yourself to show me what I could not see before- I see this now and am choosing to take full 100% responsibility for it- thank you for your loving service, but you do not need to take this on for me anymore- I take it back to myself.
Please note that this is a tricky subject. It is not always the case that the animals are taking on our issues. Sometimes the animal simply shares the same issues we do, and they manifest at the same time.
This is not about guilt, but rather about being more aware of the depths of our animals’ love and service to us, and how we can consciously respond to that, creating an even deeper and richer relationship with ourselves and these beautiful souls we share our love and lives with.
Such a beautiful article, Elizabeth. I have heard this before, and this is a reminder for me to take a look at myself again and how I might be affecting my cats. I was deeply connected to my kitty, Six Toes. She held eye contact with me frequently and spoke to me with her eyes. It is with much regret and sadness that I am sure she was trying to take on my stress for me during a very difficult (stressful and sad) period. She had irritable bowel syndrome, and nothing natural or conventional I tried helped her recover. I was treating myself for the stress with massage, self-care, and homeopathy, but the circumstances were so intense. She died from severe malnutrition and loss of body weight as a result from all the vomiting and diarrhea. I lost her when she was only 15 years old. Shortly after losing her, I learned that carageenan is highly linked to intestinal disturbance and even cancer. I had been using a canned cat food for several years that contained this ingredient. And maybe this was part of the problem too.
I’m so sorry, Kim. It sounds like Six Toes and you had, and I’m sure still have, a deep soul bond. Sometimes we can’t know all the reasons behind what happens, but I believe that what happens is meant to happen. There can be no accidents. Her soul made those choices, as did yours. It’s vital to stay away from self blame. All I hear is to sprinkle love and forgiveness over all of that. Love and forgiveness. Thank you for sharing. <3
I love this Elizabeth! I hadn’t considered this. I’m definitely going to add this consideration to my energy practices. My loveys and I thank you for this…:)
Oh goodie! You’re welcome! Something to add to this is, sometimes I see our animals have the same issues we do because we all chose to move through them together. To support each other in that way. Love to you and your sweeties <3
Beautiful article Elizabeth. Thank yo for all the clarity you’ve provided along the way and helping me connect deeper with my animals.
You’re welcome! Thank you so much for your support, Deb <3
You have been such a huge benefit to me in nurturing my connection with my four amazing felines.
Thanks for this blog entry! And for sharing your talents with us!
-love Kirsten
Connecting with you and your darlings has been my pleasure, Kirsten- a real blessing. Thank you! <3