I’ve been noticing lately that people are intrigued when I tell them I’m an animal communicator. They like the sound of it, but often people don’t really know what that means or why an animal communicator could help them and their animal family.
Simply put, animal communication is connecting with an animal telepathically. We can communicate with animals who are domestic or wild, and living or in spirit. Just reading this, I bet your inner child is jumping for joy saying, I knew it was true! Or perhaps you can feel it in your heart, as it opens and feels this as truth. I think all of us animal lovers know deep down that this is possible.
There are so many benefits to hiring an animal communicator! Here are a few:
~sharing with and listening to your animal friend will connect you in very deep ways and expand your relationship!
~by hearing what your animal friend has to say, you’re offered new perspectives you would have not imagined!
~you will look at the world around you with new eyes as you become more aware of the depth of experiences animals have!
The intention of my work is to create harmony in the home for my clients and their animal friends. As you all know, living with other beings, human or animal, is not always easy. There are many times that hiring an animal communicator can be helpful and make a real difference. Some of them are:
~when adopting a new animal friend or introducing a new animal friend to the other animals in the home
~before leaving the home to travel. a simple session done before a family get-a-way can be very helpful in preventing issues arising when you are away.
~when there is a shift in behavior. if your animal friend is all of a sudden not her/himself, let’s find out why!
~before moving. a move can create utter chaos and anxiety for our animal friends. it’s very helpful to let them know what is happening, why, what to expect, and ask what they need for the transition
~during times of illness or medical treatment. talking with our animals during these times can ease a lot of stress for both human and animal. just as we would explain upcoming medical treatments to our children, it is very important to do this with the animals.
~end of life. I am often called to talk with animals and their people at these times. it can be very comforting and helpful to understand how the animal is feeling and whether he/she is ready to transition.
~when you are missing your animal friend who has passed into spirit. these sessions are very moving. they are a catalyst to healing any old grief held from the passing of your friend. so often there are lingering questions, regrets, concerns. the animals in spirit share such interesting things! I always learn something new.
The possibilities are endless really. Anytime you want to share deeply and connect more is a good time for a session. The relationships we have with our animal family are so special. Sharing wisdom, our experiences, and heart-felt messages with them is a gift.
It’s great that you pointed out how sharing with and listening to your animal friend would connect you in very deep ways and expand your relationship. Our pet dog suddenly acted strange and we can’t seem to figure out the reason for it. So instead of guessing, we should probably ask for some help from an animal psychic communicator.